Saturday 27 June 2020

We need faith...


Me and Free are both devote Christians. I found my faith after finding her. Before that I was an agnostic. There was no drama or a great Journey In me finding Christ. We never had any conversation with Free either, although She was devote years before.

One Day I just started reading my old Bible, decided to go through it from start to finish. At one point I started praying for Lord, even though I had done the same thing as agnostic.

I've always been spiritual, even when I was younger and had a brief period of atheism. I've just always felt there is more, than what we see or can explain.

This is funny, because when my Egyptian father tried to forcibly convert me To Islam, I left doors banging. I won't be forced to anything. But calling is a horse of a different color. You just have To feel your calling, where ever it is to.

Why am I telling this? To preach you that Christ is The Way, The Truth and The Life and you should immediately repent? Of course not! That's not my business. I just want to point out that we're living a dark period. Perhaps the darkest one In the modern times, at least since WWII. Who knows what the future will bring.

One reason for this, I think is, that we have Lost our spiritual connection. To our souls, this connection is like air. Because we've Lost it, we're looking for it from stuff like politics and this creates radical movements. In the end, these movements leave us hollow and depressed, because they really can't feed our souls. All the socialist countries have Gone through this phase for the last hundred years.

We need spirituality, fast! My suggestion: Read stories, write, meditate, pray. Do whatever your intuition tells you To connect your soul. I do it. It's a process towards a better life.

Think what you want of this post. I can only tell, what has helped me. Thanks for reading!

Amen <3


Religion is a touchy subject. Some people are spiritual, others agnostic, even atheist but I was raised as a strict Catholic. As I aged I dabbled in different Christian venues and branched off. In rebellious periods I looked into the Wiccan way and Buddhist practices. To this day I study with all types of Christian denomination.

I have to say that there is the historical aspect of the actual Scriptures that is rather controversial. But the meaning of the doctrines isn't. God is Love. He has righteous anger towards sin, not the sinner, and made us in His image. When we turned away from His perfect Plan he covered our sins with His threefold son's scrifice. His Son died and the blood covered our sns, as his son was both human and God and the only suitable candidate for the job as He had no sin of His own due to His divine nature.

All in all the Old Testament is the Old Covenant, meaning the law. Christianity foruses on the New testament, or the New Covenant, which is love. The ten law Commandments got tied into two by Jesus Himself when he said to love God above all else and then to love our neighbors as ourselves. It is that simple. Love.

Of course the doctrine varies by denomination. Baptism, sacraments, rituals, proof of being saved, beliefs of the Second Coming of Christ are all up for debate. It wasn't meant to be understoof though. God said to us that when Jesus comes back it will be as a "theif in the night" and that is the only solid statement regarding what is to come and as for salvation the bottom line is just believing that jesus was without sin and died for us. period.

I study with different ways of thinking to just stay open and thoughtful, understanding to all walks and sects of Christianity. I even have attended Mormon studies and Jehovah's witness groups. But I also branch out still, read about the Karma theory in totally separate religions such as jainism or Buddhism.

I hope to work at a church when I get out. Maybe as an accountant. I am looking into the bookkeeping aspect of things. I finally got a place to go to in another state recently so I am looking for ministry related options. Pray I make it!!!