Friday 25 September 2020

Complementing differences


Me and Free got very different points of view about many things. We disagree heavily on politics, though we're both pretty center.

Long story short: She's been traumatized by ultra conservative family and their narrow minded upbringing. I've been traumatized by an ultra liberal single mum and her toxic feminist upbringing.

Our points of view are so far, that we actually balance out each others. But one thing that really brings us together: We have the same values. We both believe in love and respect. We both have strong empathy.

We both want to make a better world by starting from ourselves. We're both writers and storytellers. Hopefully we'll get to work together with a project soon.

I love my Free <3

Freedom Forever!



I was raised in a religious community. I was not allowed to view anything above approved ratings for my age (PG13 at 13 years old), listen to rap or rock, I was never around any minorities except the latinas who worked for us. I had privilege and money. When I got arrested I was a full Republican.

Prison changed that.

Being LGBTQIA+ brought me to the Democratic party initially. I stuck with it for the dream of equality.

Alex believes in equal opportunity. I believe in equal outcome. The US has long been a Republic with individual growth promoted. I've always leaned more towards growth as a nation and everyone included. I like Democracy. Both have their own appeals though.

I think it mainly depends on your religious views. I am a pastor, yes, but a liberal one. The more conservative churches have stricter ideas as well. Followers tend to believe what they were raised to believe in that religion.

I have grown to dislike the majority and root for the underdogs. I am one myself, after all, being Gender-Fluid and Queer. Alex values traditional ways of thinking and the competitive nature of the US market allowing major success or loss in turn.

Because we are so different, our similarities are even more evident. We don't try to change one another or bend one another to our own wills. I know what Alex has been through. He needs to be heard, and just because I don't always agree that isn't a reason to turn away from him.

I do stand for equality above all. So me not treating his opinion equal to mine would be hypocritical.

I value others opinions and morals the same way I would like mine to be valued.

Love <3 Free

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