Saturday 11 April 2020

Knock on wood...

I'm writing this, we're at the beginning of the crisis caused by the corona virus. Finland, as well as the rest of the world, is under martial law. Schools and public places, such as libraries and swimming halls are closed.

Whatever happens, this will cause an economic depression. This decade will be all about getting through that. What does the corona crisis have to do with my relationship? Everything. 

Prisons are closed as well. Yesterday, Free called me, just before the Phone were closed. Of course There's also the fact, that if the pandemic really breaks out and fills the hospitals, inmates are the last to get treated.

Especially, when Free has some health issues She can Tell more about. The most frustrating thing is, that I can do nothing for us, except pray and wait. Oh well. It will pass In few weeks. Knock on wood...  


Being locked up with the corona virus pandemic has been hectic. We are locked down, with no visitors and I still have to go to work to clean. My job is brutal. For 11¢ an hour I scrub the unit with disinfectant and bleach.

I am exposed to the virus and other germs as inmates have already been rushed to the hospitals. I have a pacemaker and get sick easily, so the work and lockdown is scary. I already go to the hospital a lot and get locked in rooms where there are blood and feces, merely attached to a portable vital machine.

The corona virus is scary and killing people on the streets in the US. In the prisons it has created fear and choas. When will it end?


P.S: This post was written a couple of weeks ago, so the situation's only worse. The virus is in four units. So far, Free's unit is still OK. Only time will tell... -Alex

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